What is Irrational Number Class 9 (With Examples.)


In the realm of mathematics, numbers are not just symbols; they are the building blocks upon which numerous concepts and theories are constructed. Among the various types of numbers, irrational numbers hold a unique place. In this article, we will delve into the concept of irrational numbers, exploring their definition, properties and significance in the mathematical landscape.

Irrational Number Definition

An irrational number is a real number that cannot be expressed as a simple fraction or ratio of two integers. Unlike rational numbers, which can be expressed as fractions, irrational numbers have decimal expansions that neither terminate nor repeat. The recovery of irrational numbers was a significant development in the history of mathematics, challenging the ancient Greek notion that all numbers could be expressed as ratios of integers.

Examples of Irrational Number:

  1. √2(the square root of 2)
  2. π (Pi)
  3. e (Euler’s number)
  4. √3 (the square root of 3)
  5. √5(the square root of 5)

How to identify an Irrational Number?

We know that irrational numbers cannot be expressed in the form of p/q, where p and q are integers and q is not equal to 0. whereas rational numbers are the numbers that can be expressed in the form of p/q, where p and q are integers and q is not equal to 0.

Properties of Irrational Number:

  1. Non-terminating: The decimal expansion of an irrational number continues indefinitely without repeating patterns.
  2. Non-repeating: Unlike rational numbers, which have repeating decimal expansions, irrational numbers have decimal expansions that do not repeat.
  3. Infinite: Irrational numbers have an infinite number of decimal places.
  4. Cannot be expressed as fraction: No matter how hard one tries, irrational numbers cannot be represented as the quotient of two integers.
  5. Density: Between any two irrational numbers, there is always another irrational number. This property makes the set of irrational numbers dense on the real number line.

Significance of Irrational Number:

  1. Completeness of the Real Number System: Irrational numbers, along with rational numbers, from the basis of the real number system. Together, they fill in the “gaps” between rational numbers, ensuring that every point on the number line corresponds to a unique real number.
  2. Geometry and Measurement: Irrational numbers frequently appear in geometry and measurement problem. For example, the diagonal of a unit square is an irrational number(√2), and the circumference of a circle is determined by the irrational number π.
  3. Mathematical Analysis: Irrational numbers play a crucial role in mathematical analysis, particularly in calculus and differential equations. Functions involving irrational numbers are prevalent in modeling real-world phenomena.
  4. Cryptography: The irrationality of certain numbers, such as π and e, contributes to their use in cryptographic algorithms, where the difficulty of predicting their digits enhances security.
  5. Transcendental: Most irrational numbers are also transcendental, meaning they are not solutions to any non-constant polynomial equation with rational coefficients.
  6. Representation: While irrational numbers cannot be represented exactly in decimal form, they can often be approximated to any desired degree of accuracy using techniques like continued fraction or numerical methods.

Irrational Number Denoted by:

An irrational number denoted by the symbol ” π” (pi) or “e” (Euler’s number), among others. These symbols represent numbers that can not be expressed as a fraction of two integers and have non-repeating, non-terminating decimal expansions.

Are all Irrational Numbers Real Numbers?

Rational numbers and irrational numbers together form real numbers. So, all irrational numbers are considered to be real numbers.

Operations of the Irrational Numbers

  1. Addition of two irrational numbers: The addition of two irrational numbers may or may not be irrational. For example: √2 + 2√2= 3√2,  it is an irrational number; √2 + (-√2)= 0, it is a rational number.
  2. Subtraction of two irrational numbers- The subtraction of two irrational numbers may or may not be irrational. For example: 3√2 – 2√2= √2, it is an irrational number, 3√2 – 3√2 =0, it is a rational number.
  3. Multiplication of two irrational numbers- The multiplication of two irrational numbers may or may not be irrational. For example: √2 × √3 = √6, it is an irrational number, √2 × √2 = 2, it is a rational number.
  4. Division of two irrational numbers- The division of two irrational numbers may or may not be irrational. For example: √6 ÷ √3 = √2, it is an irrational number, √5 ÷ √5 =1, it is a rational number.
Historical Perspective:

The discovery of irrational numbers dates back to ancient Greece. Legend has it that the existence of irrational number was first demonstrated by Hippasus of Metapontum, a Pythagorean Mathematician, who supposedly met his demise for revealing this mathematical truth. The Pythagorean, who revered whole numbers and ratios were shaken by the revelation that √2, the diagonal of a unit square, could not be expressed as a rational number. This discovery challenged their philosophical and mathematical beliefs, ultimately leading to a deeper understanding of the nature of numbers.


In conclusion, irrational numbers are an integral part of mathematics, representing a vast and fascinating realm of numerical exploration. From their humble beginnings in ancient Greece to their pervasive presence in modern mathematics, irrational numbers continue to captivate the minds of mathematician and inspire awe in students worldwide. Understanding the properties and significance of irrational numbers not only deepens one’s mathematical knowledge but also fosters an appreciation for the beauty and complexity of the mathematical universe.

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Q.1 What is irrational number? (in simple words).

Answer- An irrational number is a real number that cannot be expressed as a ratio of two integers. Its decimal representation goes on infinitely without repeating.

Q.2 What are some examples of irrational numbers?

Answer- Famous examples include “π” (pi), “e” (Euler’s number) and “√2” (the square root of 2).

Q.3 Are all non-repeating decimals irrational?

Answer- No, not all non-repeating decimals are irrational. For example, 0.5 (or 1/2) is a non-repeating decimal but it’s rational because it can be expressed as a fraction.

Q.4 Can irrational numbers be negative?

Answer- Yes, irrational numbers can be negative, positive, or zero.

Q.5 Are all roots irrational?

Answer- No, not all roots are irrational. For instance, the square root of a perfect square (like 4 or 9) is rational.

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